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/ Lo Mejor Del Shareware: Especial Internet / Especial Internet: Lo Mejor Del Shareware.iso / imagenes / wcanasta.gif < prev    next >
Graphics Interchange Format  |  1995-02-26  |  17KB  |  640x480  |  4-bit (12 colors)
Labels: bench | book | box | door | earth | fence | gaming table | grass | person | sky | tree | window
OCR: YO anasta Testuersion Game Options Help On the hand Spieler Points Hand: 160 Points marked: new serie Kr TesHesTesTesTesTesTesTesTes TeTesTesTesTesTestversion take card from hidden pile or lav iout with card from open pile Addwindow of Spieler.1 Points out 200 points overall: Pile Testveraior Testveraior WCanasta Window Spieler1 iserie icard piler Testversion Testvorsion